Automated Rep Technology


Have a rep in any lounge, at all times with our Luxury Digital Signage!

In the exponentially growing, severely over-crowded business of cigars.... how do you maintain brand awareness? How do you establish a consistent bond with patrons without being there? We have the solution.

We have the ONLY engaging luxury digital cigar display in the world. It's tailored to promoting your brand in cigar lounges anywhere in the country at the same time!  At one push of a button, any information can be dispersed thru our network! This ensures a precise and consistent message to your existing and future buyers!

We can convert/utilize a lounges existing 55in screen (or larger), or can install/display on a new screen.

*After video below loads, please watch the captivating full 4 minute generic demo video below to get an accurate assessment, each panel will start to rotate content. 

Here we ran our media player's demo content on a 77in Bang & Olufsen Theatre System

What We Do

We curate luxury ads that cater to the eyes and connects to cigar patrons. 60-70% of the ads are directly aimed at increasing the sales of your cigars and alcohol in the lounge. The remaining ads are luxury products that are aimed at catching the eyes and creating high-end associations, along with being conversation/engagement pieces. 

Our Luxury Digital Signage displays 5 favorites of the cigar aficionado and strengthens a sub-concious connection between your brand and the luxurious lifestyle of smoking your cigars. The 5 catagories are below:

  1. Cigars

  2. Luxury Automobiles

  3. Luxury Watches and additional luxury products

  4. Golf Apparel/Equipment

  5. Liquor

The Premium 4-Area Layout

  • Area 1 - Luxurious video ads.  Default video ad interval: once per 30 min. (Video or Static)
  • Area 2 - Random rotation of brands. For a nominal fee it can be reserved 100% for exclusive branding only. Custom ad interval. (Static)
  • Area 3 - Small screen for logos or miscellaneous branding.  Custom ad interval. (Static)
  • Area 4 - Random rotation of brands. Approximately 6 ads/hr will be displayed per brand. (Static)

The Win-Win

You have working relationships with lounge owners, so you decide which lounge(s) would benefit you and the lounge owner the most. We then curate, gather cigar lounge info to incorporate into display and deploy the ad system at specified location(s). This personalized system has been created to primarily generate increased sales for both you and the lounge simultaneously.

So how do we all win? The ad system is FREE to you and the lounge owner. When you and a lounge owner decide to move forward with the FREE service, your brand will have a heavier rotation than the others.

  • You get 4 vid ads/hr in area 1 

  • 6 ads/hr in area 4

  • The lounge gets the same ad space/hr to advertise their events/drink specials/cigar specials etc.

  • In total, for an average of 10hrs a day and 6 days a week, your brand (and lounge info) will display 1,200 times/month for FREE!

As a brand owner, you can see by having this automated system in multiple locations enhances the visibility of your brand very quickly & easily. This system 'works' and distributes your information when you and/or your staff don't have the time nor the capacity to.

*Exclusive branding in area 2 is $32.50/week ($130/mo). It includes:

  • 100% content in area 2 is reserved exclusively to your brand. (up to 15 branded images)

  • 4 vid or static ads/hr in area 1

  • 8 ads/hr in area 4

  • This package will rotate up to 6,400 of your branded images a month in ad slots up to 17,000 times per month for only $58/mo!

A Few Valuable Digital Signage Statistics

  • 84% of retailers believe that digital signage creates more brand awareness compared to traditional channels.
  • Digital signage creates a 46% increase in customer satisfaction.

  • Digital signage bumps up the average purchase amount by 29.5%.

  • It brings about a 32.8% growth in repeat buyers.

  • Digital displays can create a 31.8% upswing in overall sales volumes.

  • 75% of respondents agree that sales-driven content initiatives like offers and promotions, product advertising, personalized content, and value adds are also most likely to succeed.

  • Digital signage has an immediate impression on the customer. It has a high impact in that 59% of those who see digital signage content want to learn more about the product or topic.

  • 47% can recall seeing a particular message.

  • 71% of consumers feel that advertising on digital signage stands out more as compared to online ads.

  • 46% agree that digital signage advertising is more prominent than television ads.

  • Digital signage raises brand awareness and complements a company’s marketing strategies. Over 40% of buyers say that digital signage can influence their purchasing decision.

  • Similarly, 68% of Americans have paid for a product or service because its signage caught their eye.

  • 19% of customers made impulse purchases after seeing digital ads.

  • Customers spend 30% more time browsing products in stores that have deployed digital signage.

  • More than 60% of customers make buying decisions at the point of sale. Digital signage technologies are widely used to influence these decisions.